Picture of Spin-Rinse-Dryer
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Spin-Rinse-Dryer for 100 mm and 150 mm wafer cassettes

Make sure to use the correct cassette: for 100 mm the cassette should have an U-shaped front. 

Cassettes are normally stored in their respective rotor.

The unused rotor is normally stored on top of machine, together with the T-handled Allen key.

User Instruction:

Turn on N2 valve on the wall

Turn on power

Change rotor if neccessary (see below)

Pre-rincse cassette with wafers in the wet bench

Load casette

Press start

Unload cassette

Put empty cassette back and turn off power and N2


Changing rotor:

Take out cassette and unscrew centre hex screw with supplyed T-handle Allen key.

Pull out rotor and put on top of machine.

Put in the wanted rotor and screw back the screw. Do not overtighten the screw.

Tool name:
3R79 - våtkemi
Wet process & preparation
470S with 102 controller


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